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MapLab enjoys a well-deserved retirement after serving thousands of users for several years.

Active development and maintenance of MapLab has ended with version 2.2.1. This website is maintained here only for reference for those still using MapLab and for the posterity.

MapServer users looking for mapfile creation tools should try one of the following active projects: 1) Quantum GIS or 2) MapStorer.

MapLab 2.0 History

Maplab 2.0.1 (Jun 12 2003)

- Make sure that the map file opened in mapbrowser has an .map extension 
- Remove multiple slashes in file name when saving/opening map file in 
- Fixed a problem in drawmap when using MS 3.6

Small fix:
- CSS file wasn't set in ServerManager dialog

Maplab 2.0 (May 28 2003)
- First release of Maplab 2.0 !!!

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