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Upgrade Package for MS4W 3.x


This will upgrade your MapServer installation to the version 5.6.4 release.


After installing ms4w-3.0, extract the 5.6.4 upgrade package at the same root of your existing MS4W installation. You can verify that MapServer was upgraded by executing 'mapserv -v' at the commandline (after executing /ms4w/setenv.bat).

MapServer Change Log

Version 5.6.4 (2010-07-08)


- Disabled some insecure (and potentially exploitable) mapserv
  command-line debug arguments (#3485). The --enable-cgi-cl-debug-args
  configure switch can be used to re-enable them for devs who really
  cannot get away without them and who understand the potential
  security risk (not recommended for production servers or those
  who don't understand the security implications).

- Fixed possible buffer overflow in msTmpFile() (#3484)

Other fixes:

- Fixed possible race condition with connectiontype WFS layers (#3137)

- Modified mapserver units enum order to fix some problems with external
  packages (#3173)

- fix blending of transparent layers with AGG on MSB archs (#3471)

- Fixed imageObj->saveImage() sends unnecessary headers (#3418)

- Correct PropertyName parsing for wfs post requests (#3235)

- Ensure mapwmslayer.c does not unlink file before closing connection on
  it (#3451)

- Fix security exception issue in C# with MSVC2010 (#3438)

- Write out join CONNECTIONTYPE when saving a mapfile. (#3435)

- Fixed attribute queries to use an extent stored (and cached) as part of
  the queryObj rather than the map->extent. (#3424)

- Reverted msLayerWhichItems() to 5.4-like behavior although still
  supporting retrieving all items (#3356,#3342)

- Grid layer: remove drawing of unnecessary gird lines (#3433)

- OGC Filters for spatial dbs should be enclosed in parentheses (#3430)

- Improve the handling of simple string comparisons for raster classified
  values (#3425)

- Add the ogc namspace to filters generated by Mapserver (#3414)

- Fix MS_NONSQUARE to work in mode=map (#3413)

- Improve error message when loadQuery() filename extension
  check fails (#3302)

- Fix GetLegendGraphic using keyimages (#3398)

- Fix getFeatureInfo queries on WFS layers (#3403)

- Fixed mapstring.c build problem related to errno (#3401).

- Correct ungeoreferenced defaults via GetExtent() on raster layer

- More adjustments to how TLOCK_GDAL held around msGetGDALGeoTransform


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