Bug 2641 - runtime text relocations in libtiffxx.so.5.2.5
: runtime text relocations in libtiffxx.so.5.2.5
: libtiff
: unspecified
: PC Linux
: P2 normal
: ---
Assigned To:
: migrated_to_gitlab
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Reported: 2016-12-24 07:17 by
Modified: 2019-10-01 14:20 (History)



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Description From 2016-12-24 07:17:30
This happens in the head master and not in 4.0.7

I got the error build from portage which catches these type of bugs.

 * QA Notice: The following files contain runtime text relocations
 *  Text relocations force the dynamic linker to perform extra
 *  work at startup, waste system resources, and may pose a security
 *  risk.  On some architectures, the code may not even function
 *  properly, if at all.
 *  For more information, see:
 *    https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Hardened/HOWTO_locate_and_fix_textrels
 *  Please include the following list of files in your report:
 * TEXTREL usr/lib64/libtiffxx.so.5.2.5
------- Comment #1 From 2016-12-24 07:45:02 -------
after more tests, I discovered that it is present in 4.0.7 too but it comes out
only if compiled with a recent version of clang (3.9.0 here).
------- Comment #2 From 2019-10-01 14:20:14 -------
Bugzilla is no longer used for tracking libtiff issues. Remaining open tickets,
such as this one, have been migrated to the libtiff GitLab instance at
https://gitlab.com/libtiff/libtiff/issues .

The migrated tickets have their summary prefixed with [BZ#XXXX] where XXXX is
the initial Bugzilla issue number.