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Chameleon 2.0 Release

This is the final release of Chameleon 2.0.  This marks the culmination of
many months of effort by many people, both at DM Solutions Group and in the
larger community of Chameleon users.  I won't thank anyone individually in
case I miss someone, so a big thanks goes out to everyone ... you know who
you are!

Downloads are available at

As a side note for those interested in Chameleon's performance, we recently
had an opportunity to do some live stress testing.  Our Tsunami portal ( was built using Chameleon (in only a few
days) and quickly gathered a lot of attention.  After a brief panic (we've
only used Chameleon for relatively low-traffic applications), we realized
everything was holding up well.  Based on this experience and some load
stress testing, we are now confident that Chameleon is reasonably suitable
for moderately high-use applications (in the order of several thousand hits
per hour).  There's still loads of stuff that could be optimized and
streamlined, but even without these tweaks, the performance is pretty

Chameleon Community Launched:

I would also like to announce the launching of a Chameleon community site to
be hosted on and maintained by the community.  This site has
been planned for a while, and it's finally here.  The site is built on
TikiWiki technology and Liz Godwin is the official maintainer.  Liz will be
granting user accounts and moderating the content.  DM Solutions Group will
be contributing/monitoring content and forum discussions and reviewing the
site for content that should make its way into the official documentation on
a periodic basis.  We hope that having a community site that is run by
community members will provide a non-threatening environment for users of
all experience levels to cooperate, share ideas, and provide excellent
feedback.  Thanks for all the hard work, Liz.

Documentation Updates:

The initial version of the widget documentation is now ready.  This includes
"empty" documentation for all widgets and complete documentation for about
26 core widgets.  Even the empty documentation is useful, though, since it
lists all the widget attributes, form variables, and JavaScript.  We'll
continue working in the coming weeks to flesh out the documentation for most
of the widgets that we use on a daily basis. These additions will be
available through CVS and through point releases of the 2.0 series.

The widget documentation is available through the new Chameleon Help Viewer
application.  This is available via a web browser by accessing the help
folder of the chameleon installation, probably something like

The help viewer is styled on the JavaDoc help viewer.  This is our first
aatempt and we have many new features planned (but no time to implement them
for this release).  Eventually, all Chameleon documentation will be managed
by and accessible through the help viewer.

You can access the HTML version of the help documentation directly in the
html folder of the help application.  These HTML files are pre-generated
from the XML files found in each of the widget directories.  Depending on
your system configuration (specifically, if you have the php_xslt extension
available), you may be viewing the HTML files or the source XML files
through XSLT.  In general, it is not necessary to view the source XML files
unless you are editing them.  If you do need to access the XML files, copy
help.xml-dist to help.xml in chameleon/htdocs/help and set the

Finally, the release notes.  Not much has changed since the first Release
Candidate, always a good sign that things are finally stable.


The documentation files were updated for the final release.  Also, the
Installation Guide has been updated for Windows/IIS installations.

bug 911: MapDHTML
  added BORDERCOLOR and BORDERWIDTH attributes.

bug 374: sample_basic
  added a help page using the EmbeddedHelp widget under the Tools tab.

Bug Fixes

bug 890: ProjectionLabel
  removed strtoupper on widget class and widgetstyle so that they use the
  exact case provided by the user instead of forcing uppercase.

bug 900: chameleon.xml
  for the ms4w distribution, use mapserver 4.4 by default now

no bug: cwc_events.js
  added test on registered functions to ensure that parameters are not added
  twice to a function.

bug 920: Button.php
  fix problem with dynamically generated buttons if textbuttoncache is set
  to true.

no bug: drawmap.php
  removed a debug statument when drawing the keymap that was causing an
  invalid image to be returned to the browser in some cases.

bug 918: session.php
  removed a debug statement from the garbage collection function (_gc) that
  caused the garbage collection to fail on non-windows machines.

bug 889: MapSize and ContextSelector
  added a Label object to each widget for consistency.

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Contact Information

Chameleon Users List