Bug 842 - [Chameleon - Documentation] Review Installation Guide first draft
: [Chameleon - Documentation] Review Installation Guide first draft
: Chameleon
: 1.99
: All All
: P2 normal
: 2.0 Final
Assigned To:
: 827
  Show dependency treegraph
Reported: 2004-11-11 16:24 by
Modified: 2004-12-20 19:13 (History)



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Description From 2004-11-11 16:24:00
The first draft of the "Chameleon 1.99 Installation Guide" has been checked 
into CVS. The source is in docs/xml/InstallationGuide.xml and the HTML version 
is in docs/html/InstallationGuide.html.

Please read through it and make any changes/deletions/additions you feel are 
necessary. You can either change the *source* yourself (DO NOT CHANGE THE 
HTML), or make a comment in this bug about what you feel needs changing. 

Everyone is welcome to comment, but I need at least the following people to 
review the document:

* Paul Spencer 
* Chris Thorne
* Jeff McKenna
* Jason Fournier

Paul, if you feel that there's anyone else you definitely want to review this 
document, please contact them. 

Bug #827 is the tracking bug for this document and lists the preceding and 
following steps to this bug.
------- Comment #1 From 2004-11-11 16:25:31 -------
Set target to 1.99 RC 1.
------- Comment #2 From 2004-11-11 16:28:29 -------
Note to reviewers:

Please keep in mind that while the 1.99 version of this document is meant to be 
an improvement on previous installation instructions, it is still a very 
*technical* document. Chameleon 2.0 will have more user-centric, less technical 
documentation. Please take this into consideration when making 
------- Comment #3 From 2004-11-11 17:55:13 -------
(DANIEL: there is a question for you below ... keep reading)

* In the "Note to CWC2 Users" section, first 4 words ... don't make sense, not
sure what they should be though.

* The MS4W Installer section should mention that MS4W comes with a web server
and all necessary supporting files for Chameleon.  This is a good choice if you
don't already have a web server running.  If you are already using a web server,
follow the customized installations to integrate Chameleon into your existing
web sites.

* Windows required technologies should include Technology: Web Server Details:
for example, Apache, IIS or PWS Where to Go...: www.apache.org or www.microsoft.com

* Windows section: unzip Chameleon 1.99 creates following base directories -
include docs and admin, remove htdocs_admin and html

* in the example for ms_tmp, it says c:\tmp would be web-accessible and
webuser-writable - it should be c:\tmp\ms_tmp

* aliases should be brought up to date with the ms4w config files in
ms4w/httpd.d/chameleon_httpd.conf - several directories are missing (like docs,

* in the linux section, we need to mention that php needs to have both gd and
freetype support, normally this means running 'configure' with --with-gd=<dir>
--with-freetype-dir=<dir> and the output from running phpinfo would include a gd
section like:

GD Support         enabled
GD Version         2.0 or higher
FreeType Support     enabled
FreeType Linkage     with freetype
GIF Read Support     enabled
GIF Create Support     enabled
JPG Support         enabled
PNG Support         enabled
WBMP Support         enabled

we are interested in GD Version = 2.0 or higher AND FreeType Linkage = with
freetype (not with TTF)

* (DANIEL) there are instructions for wmsparse on solaris ... I've recently made
modifications to wmsparse, do we need to update this section?  Update the binaries?

* in the WMSPARSE section, we should mention that there is a setting for this in
the chameleon.xml file and it should be updated to point at the correct
executable file otherwise the slow parser will be used.

* In the For More Information section, please include a note about bugzilla.  I
really want people to file bugs.  The mailing list should be used for questions,
but if someone runs into something that is a bug, they should file it in
bugzilla ...

------- Comment #4 From 2004-11-11 18:10:53 -------
About the wmsparse/Solaris note in the InstallationInstructions.html: 
we don't have up to date Solaris binaries available for distribution, so I'd
suggest that we take that out for now, and if/when we start distributing
binaries we add a new section on installing wmsparse from precompiled binaries
(not just solaris)
------- Comment #5 From 2004-11-11 18:19:53 -------
Actually, instead of taking it out, you could also choose to use this:

Precompiled WMSPARSE Install

If you installed a precompiled MapServer binary package then it may have come
with a 'wmsparse' already compiled. Simply copy it to the CWC2 directory and
make sure it is executable:

cp /opt/mapserver/bin/wmsparse /opt/chameleon/htdocs/common/wmsparse/
chmod +x /opt/chameleon/htdocs/common/wmsparse/wmsparse

(The lines above assumes that you installed the mapserver binary package under
------- Comment #6 From 2004-11-12 08:10:41 -------
Paul, questions about aliases...

Q1: In the current version of this document under CVS, the /samples/ alias is 
set as

Alias /samples/ "/path/to/chameleon<version>/samples/htdocs/"
<Directory "/path/to/chameleon<version>/samples/htdocs/">
  AllowOverride None
  Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Multiviews 
  Order allow,deny
  Allow from all

However, in the current MS4W file, the ?same? alias is set as: 

Alias /chameleon/samples "/ms4w/apps/chameleon/samples/htdocs"
<Directory "/ms4w/apps/chameleon/samples/htdocs">
  AllowOverride None
  Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Multiviews 
  Order allow,deny
  Allow from all

Should we be aliasing /chameleon/samples or /samples/? This similar question is 
played out in other aliases as well. 

Q2: In the MS4W file there are three "CWC2" aliases

Alias /chameleon/cwc2/contexts "/ms4w/apps/chameleon/cwc2/contexts"
<Directory "/ms4w/apps/chameleon/cwc2/contexts">
  AllowOverride None
  Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Multiviews 
  Order allow,deny
  Allow from all

Alias /chameleon/cwc2/templates "/ms4w/apps/chameleon/cwc2/templates"
<Directory "/ms4w/apps/chameleon/cwc2/templates">
  AllowOverride None
  Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Multiviews 
  Order allow,deny
  Allow from all

Alias /chameleon/cwc2 "/ms4w/apps/chameleon/cwc2/htdocs"
<Directory "/ms4w/apps/chameleon/cwc2/htdocs">
  AllowOverride None
  Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Multiviews 
  Order allow,deny
  Allow from all

Should these be mentioned in the install document or should I mention them in 
the Service Instance documents? Both? Neither?

------- Comment #7 From 2004-11-12 08:58:05 -------
I have made all current review changes/additions, with the exception of the one 
detailed in my Comment #6. New XML and HTML version committed to CVS.
------- Comment #8 From 2004-11-13 13:47:51 -------
I have made further changes/additions, based on Comment #6. New XML and HTML 
version committed to CVS.

Jason, I need you to look in the section for Windows Apache aliases and send me 
what should be the equivalent aliases for IIS please. You can just paste the 
code as a comment here.
------- Comment #9 From 2004-11-13 16:01:03 -------
Here you go ... 

For example, in IIS (assuming that you are using Default Web Site configuration
with Home Directory specified as c:\inetpub\wwwroot):

Website Location: webroot

Name: chameleon
Virtual Directory Parent: None (site root)
Virtual Directory Name: chameleon
File Path: <drive>:\path\to\chameleon\htdocs
IIS Permission: Default Permissions
IUSR Permissions: read/execute
ie: siteroot\chameleon

Name: admin
Virtual Directory Location: chameleon
Virtual Directory Name: admin
File Path: <drive>:\path\to\chameleon\admin\htdocs
IIS Permission: Default Permissions
IUSR Permissions: read/execute
ie: siteroot\chameleon\admin

Name: docs
Virtual Directory Location: chameleon
Virtual Directory Name: docs
File Path: <drive>:\path\to\chameleon\docs\html
IIS Permission: Default Permissions
IUSR Permissions: read/execute
ie: siteroot\chameleon\docs

Name: samples
Virtual Directory Location: chameleon
Virtual Directory Name: samples
File Path: <drive>:\path\to\chameleon\admin\htdocs
IIS Permission: Default Permissions
IUSR Permissions: read/execute
ie: siteroot\chameleon\samples

Name: cwc2
Virtual Directory Parent: None (site root)
Virtual Directory Name: cwc2
File Path: <drive>:\path\to\chameleon\cwc2\htdocs
IIS Permission: Default Permissions
IUSR Permissions: read/execute
ie: siteroot\cwc2

Name: templates
Virtual Directory Location: cwc2
Virtual Directory Name: templates
File Path: <drive>:\path\to\chameleon\cwc2\templates
IIS Permission: Default Permissions
IUSR Permissions: read/execute
ie: siteroot\cwc2\templates

Name: contexts
Virtual Directory Location: cwc2
Virtual Directory Name: contexts
File Path: <drive>:\path\to\chameleon\cwc2\contexts
IIS Permission: Default Permissions
IUSR Permissions: read/execute
ie: siteroot\cwc2\contexts

Name: ms_tmp
Virtual Directory Parent: None (site root)
Virtual Directory Name: ms_tmp
File Path: <drive>:\path\to\temp_writable_folder\ms_tmp
IIS Permission: Default Permissions
IUSR Permissions: read/write
ie: siteroot\ms_tmp


There are some other snippets of text which should be editted I think ...
Darren, I will email you the appropriate line #'s.

Someone should probably review the above config's.  These are what I use but
there are several configurations which are valid.  Perhaps we should mention
something to that effect...
------- Comment #10 From 2004-11-13 21:47:26 -------
I have made further changes/additions, based on Comment #9. New XML and HTML 
version (1.4) committed to CVS.

Chris and Jeff, we need your quick review before we can close this bug. Thanks.
------- Comment #11 From 2004-11-25 10:23:28 -------
Cleared whiteboard.
------- Comment #12 From 2004-12-20 12:13:39 -------
Jeff and Chris, please review this and close this bug today.
------- Comment #13 From 2004-12-20 12:30:20 -------
I have reviewed this doc a few weeks ago. :)
------- Comment #14 From 2004-12-20 15:21:11 -------
finish up for 2.0 final
------- Comment #15 From 2004-12-20 15:50:53 -------
reviewing doc now (JM)
------- Comment #16 From 2004-12-20 19:13:26 -------
updated for v2.0 and re-formatted.  committed XML and HTML files.  good work on
this doc guys.